"Adopt an Animal       

                 Gain a Friend"



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Right Time


Is this the right time for you to adopt a new pet?            

If this is not the right time for you to adopt a new pet, both you and your new animal buddy will be disappointed and frustrated.  Before you adopt a new little buddy you need to make sure that you will have the time and energy to devote to this critical period of bonding with your new friend. 

The Denver Dumb Friends League has developed the following checklist to help one determine if this is the right time to consider adopting a new animal.

Check the following events that have either occurred in your life in the past 6 months, or that you think may occur in the coming 6 months:

5  Divorce or end or a relationship

5  Marriage

5  Change in living arrangements (new roommates or moving in with significant other)

5  Move to a new residence

5  Pregnancy or new baby

5  Longer hours or increased responsibility at work

5  Financial concerns

5  Children leaving home or moving back home

5  Caretaking responsibilities for elderly or ill family member

5  Significant changes in family routine

5  Death of a family member

5  Death or disappearance of a family pet

5  Relinquishment of a pet (given away or brought to an animal shelter)

5  Significant health problems of a family member

5  Change in working status of a family member (begins work, changes jobs or retires)

5  Frequent travel, either for business or pleasure

5  Limited leisure or free time

5  Graduation from high school or college

5  Disagreement among family members about adopting a pet

5  Add one point for every pet you currently have (one aquarium counts as one pet)


(Each checked box is worth 1 point – with the exception of the last box which gives you 1 point for every pet.)

0-3:    Your life seems fairly stable. Now is probably a reasonable time to acquire a new pet.

4-6:    You have a lot of responsibilities right now.  Although adopting a pet may still work for you, a small mammal, an adult cat, or well-trained, adult dog would probably be more appropriate than a kitten, a puppy or an active breed of dog.

7-10:   Let’s think twice about this.  With all the changes and responsibilities in your life right now, you may not have time to care for a new pet.  It would be better for both you and the pet if you wait until your life settles down a bit.

10+:  STOP! DON’T PASS GO!  Acquiring a pet now is not a wise decision.  Why not consider a pet rock or a “computer-pet” instead?



Copyright © [2003]  [Little Buddies Adoption and Humane Society].